Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Oh Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer [Reading Lists]

In an uncharacteristic middle class move, I bought the new Oprah magazine last night when I was buying cat food and coffee creamer (the staples of my life). The hook? a summer reading list It's pretty good because it has some books I hadn't heard of or are just Dreaming in Hindi by Katherine Russell Rich, which sounds promising. I am just a sucker for reading lists, especially summer ones. It's like a promise of a good time on a vacation -- hot weather and beaches. Time off. I don't really have any hope of vacation this summer -- lists are the closest I can get just now.

It didn't take me long this morning to pile onto the Powells Books website [AND they take Paypal in addition to evil credit cards] and order me up some good readin'. I even splurged and paid for second day air.

I feel a vacation weekend comin' on.

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